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Success = ToolBarExToolTipDelay(toolbar.i, Initial.l, Autopop.l, Reshow.l)


Sets the ToolTip delay values of a ToolbarEx (in milliseconds) specified by toolbar.i which can be a handle or ID.

Initial.l sets the amount of time the mouse pointer must remain stationary within the ToolBarEx's button before the tooltip window appears. To return the initial delay time to its default value, set Initial.l to -1.

Autotpop.l sets the amount of time a tooltip window remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a ToolBarEx's button. To return the autopop delay time to its default value, set Autopop.l to -1.

Reshow.l sets the amount of time it takes for subsequent tooltip windows to appear as the mouse pointer moves from one ToolbarEx button to another. To return the reshow delay time to its default value, set Reshow.l to -1.

Returns true for success or zero for failure.


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